Situation: I’m working with a company at the moment who have no training function and are not an organisation who have been used to training. I have been employed to establish ‘training’ within the organisation. They are also looking to “have ‘training’ done to them as soon as possible” (not my words!).
I need to do a TNA but have never done one properly before. I feel that it will be a lengthy process and having trawled the internet I have not found a lot to help that won’t cost me £hundreds. I want to get it right and gain credibility with it.
Would anyone be as kind as to supply me with some of their learned guidance on how I go about conducting this TNA and also a copy of any documents (questionnaires, record sheets) that will help me to do this and make accurate understanding of where we are right now? If you have something that has worked for you and is easy to use then that would be great for me.
I’d appreciate your support, Trainingzone members!
Thanx in advance,
PS: I can be reached at southk@gusco.com
Kate Southall
Situation: I'm working with a company at the moment who have no training function and are not an organisation who have been used to training. I have been employed to establish 'training' within the organisation. They are also looking to "have 'training' done to them as soon as possible" (not my words!).
I need to do a TNA but have never done one properly before. I feel that it will be a lengthy process and having trawled the internet I have not found a lot to help that won't cost me £hundreds. I want to get it right and gain credibility with it.
Would anyone be as kind as to supply me with some of their learned guidance on how I go about conducting this TNA and also a copy of any documents (questionnaires, record sheets) that will help me to do this and make accurate understanding of where we are right now? If you have something that has worked for you and is easy to use then that would be great for me.
I'd appreciate your support, Trainingzone members!
Thanx in advance,
PS: I can be reached at southk@gusco.com
Kate Southall
7 Responses
Try the TNA Toolkit
There is a TNA Toolkit within the TrainingZONE library which can help you on your way. It contains a range of pro formas you can use, together with detailed information on how to use them and examples.
You can find it at
Stephanie Phillips
Editor, TrainingZONE
Doing Training – not so bad after all !!
There are many TNA forms and books available. What I would suggest is that you keep focused on asking some fundemantal questions.
1. What is the issue? – Training is sometimes used as a panacea to various organisaitonal woes when in fact the real issue will not be addressed by training alone i.e. it may be something to do with pay, working environment etc.
2. What would it look like if it were different?
This can be interms of what people do or how they do it differently?
3. Who are the stakeholders?
What I mean is identfying who holds the purse strings, who are the decision makers who can make/break the training from happening – useful to ask these people Q2.
4. In terms of TNA….
4.1 the first step is to identify the business objectives – what are we trying to change at a top business level? i.e. in a service organisation we want to improve the customer service levels we offer.
4.2 Carry out a Knowledge- Skills-Attitude (KSA) analysis. Basically what do people need to know, what are the skills they need to demonstrate and any attitudinal changes required to ensure delivery of the business objectives.
4.3 what are the aims/objectives of the training event.
4.4 Define the session objectives that will help meet the training event. So sub-divide the main objective so it is delivered in managagable chunks.
4.5 Keep your stakeholders involved, informed and agree objectives with them in advance!
I’m afraid this is a whistle stop tour of Training Needs Analysis.
What I would also say is often training providors will do this for you (at a price)and you can manage them to deliver. But be careful as you need to be sure of what you want and I’m afraid that some providors can give a lot of flannel which costs you £££!
The Chartered Intitute of Personnel & Development has a lot of good stuff in this area http://WWW.CIPD.CO.UK.
Good luck! Any questions zip me off an email or give me a call.
Here’s a good resource
Hi Kate
If you go to http://www.skillbites.com you will see that you can take a 7 day free trial of the skillbites e-learning system which has loads of content on it, and there is a large section on training assessment, design and evaluation.
Take a look i think you will find it useful.
Kind regards
Needs Analysis
I would suggest you drop the training bit and concentrate upon identifying people development needs. Bearing in mind the lack of any track record on the training front it is highly unlikely that any subsequent training would be particularly effective (unless they buy it in). In similar circumstances I have used a questionaire (sent to all employees – at all levels) asking for feedback about what the organisation does well (and what it needs to do differently) in respect of the employee life-cycle. Questions around RECRUITMENT, INDUCTION, TRAINING, CAREER DEVELOPMENT coupled with COMMUNICATION and feedback on the way LEAVERS are treated will give you masses of information from individual perspectives. Being new to the business you are more likely to elicit more honest input. You should then have a working document to review with senior management and when you/they look at the business objectives, gaps will appear and people development needs materialise. What ever you do, have fun!
Eric Welburn
Web Sites
Here are also a few web sites connected with ITN which might prove useful and time saving:
A general overview of the process with ideas and suggestions
A very brief and very basic intro to the subject.
Apparently a free web based system for ITN.
A fantastically detailed web site focussing on repertory grid interviews which can be highly productive in determining training needs. There’s a section explaining this.
A case study of how an ITN was undertaken for Mid Wives and Health Visitors. Fascinating and informative as a ‘how to’ case study.
A downloadable TNA questionnaire from the Herriot Watt University up in Scotland. A great starting point for anyone want to develop their own.
A great gateway portal to loads of useful material on ITN. Super.
An interesting site with quite a few links to methods and systems. A good source.
An excellent overview with some detail of the process if TNA/ITN.
Not a great deal of info, but a gateway to other data.
An excellent article which describes processes and some of the pitfalls.
A bizarre page which makes an allegory of menus and ITN/TNA.
A page on job analysis.
An article on needs analysis and the internet.
Hi Kate,
Rajesh is absolutely spot on, in his synopsis of what is required here. I have lots of experience in TNA on a multi-national level, should you require a sounding board.
Drop me an email if you wish and I will assist you in whichever way I can.
Best of luck!
Try http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz. There are a range of feebie trainer resources to download. There is a whole section on needs analysis and evaluation. I have developed/used all of the tools in the past, particularly the ‘staff- manager questionnaires’, where we wanted to gather information from a wide ‘internal customer base (around 2000 people in 140 different business units around the country). By offering an incentive (prize draw) to encourage completion/promptness, it helped promoted buy-in and got us the information we needed quickly.
Hope that helps and good luck.
Happy Days!
Bryan Edwards