Prodominately used in sports coaching, but apparently now used in business as an alternative to GROW. I’ve not heard of it before, but need to create some examples for my CIPD qualification. Has anyone heard of it, experienced it or can point me in the direction of any resources which explain it?
- Concept
- Outcomes
- Application
- Commitment
- High Performance
Prodominately used in sports coaching, but apparently now used in business as an alternative to GROW. I've not heard of it before, but need to create some examples for my CIPD qualification. Has anyone heard of it, experienced it or can point me in the direction of any resources which explain it?
- Concept
- Outcomes
- Application
- Commitment
- High Performance
16 Responses
never heard of it!
I know GROW and OSCAR but I’ve never heard of the COACH model….do you HAVE to cover this particular model?
This of use?
Thanks for repsonding
Russ – in short yes I do.
James – thanks for the document, some of the aspects are simular.
Regards Scott
Other Coaching models
I had not heard of the coach model either. Not sure if you want some other example of coaching models but if you do this site is a good introduction
I am always very dubious about models that are a contrived mnemonic like this one. People tend to see through them really quickly and then the whole model’s integrity is compromised I believe.
Probably too late to help you but just in case anyone else comes across this, I thought I’d respond. I teach the Coaching Unit in the Foudation L&D Certificate and the model is referred to in the CIPD Textbook Learning & Development Practice by Beavers and Rea.
Good luck.
COACH model
Hello Scott
I remember using this years ago as an alternative to GROW as part of a course on coaching skills when I was running a management development programme for a large charity, but I have to confess it was long ago and I can’t remember where it came from. If I remember rightly it’s as follows:
C = Competency: Assess current level of performance. How much experience do you have? What have your tried before? How well are you doing……?
O = Outcome: Set outcomes for learning. What do you want to achieve? How will you know when you’ve achieved it?
A = Action: Agree tactics and action plan. What can you do/try? What steps do you need to take?
CH = Checking: Feedback and evaluate what’s been learnt. How do you feel you’ve done? What has worked/hasn’t worked?
Hope this helps
Thanks to everyone who got in contact with this query.
All sorted!
– Regards Scott
slightly worried….?
Isn’t it a bit odd that
a) Scott HAS to write up a specific model
b) that few respondents have even heard of and none can actually report that they have used (as he has quoted it rather than in an altered form)……
c) Scott can’t seem to find details of the model in his course material from (presumably) the CIPD
and the BEST answer that comes up is that
d) the model in question is referred to in a CIPD textbook for the course Scott is taking
I know that this is a set of opinions based on incomplete evidence but it seems to raise some interesting questions……….
Such as…
Care to share?
COACH model origin
I seem to recall this being in a Fenman pack in the early 1990s – much earlier than the CIPD materials.
I will do some digging…
……..why has the CIPD selected such an "obscure", little known and (presumably) untested model to be an obligatory part of the professional study course?
……since it appears that there are no case studies available, how will your research be assessed?
just a as a quick "for instance"….
There may, of course, be totally rational and laudable reasons behind the decisions to use this particular model, but they aren’t clear to me (accepting that I’m not on the course and have not been party to the material that students are provided with)
Dark Ages
Isn’t most course material from the Dark ages? Get your cert then forget about it.
Dark ages
Most course material is from the Dark ages. Its just to get a cert. not to learn anything useful.
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Scott, a few years have passed and your assignment is most likely in your distance memory…
Although, not the model you were asking about. I created an acronym for COACH back in 2004. It's specifically about how to have empowering coaching conversations.
The COACH Model®
C – Connect, engage with the other person
O – Outcome, understand what the other person wants from the conversation
A – Awareness, help the other person to discover new insights
C – Course, help the other person to create action based on those insights
H – Highlights, hear what was important or meaning about about the conversation
I have a series of workshops, books, and resources utilizing The COACH Model®. And as you can see from the little ®, it is a registered trademark, at least in the United States.
You can read more about it here: