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7 Traits You Need in Your Next Marketing Superstar


Whether you run a business that needs marketing help, or you own a marketing firm and just need some fresh talent, finding good marketers is hard.

Sure, everyone says they are good at marketing. They are marketers, after all. But that doesn’t mean everyone has what it takes to elevate businesses through savvy campaigns and click funnels—as anyone who has tried to hire a good marketer quickly finds out.

So what should you look for when trying to find your next marketing superstar? Here are seven traits to focus on during that interview process.

Trait #1: Curious

The rules and tactics of marketing change fast. That means there are few best practices and tools that stay the same.

Good marketers are always curious and trying new things because the rules are constantly shifting. They read the latest marketing books, ask questions at the most important marketing events, and consume the best marketing podcasts. They try things just to see what happens—and adjust along the way.

Trait #2: Adaptable

Speaking of adjusting, a second trait common among marketing superstars is adaptability.

Because marketing is evolving all the time, a good marketer not only is curious enough to try things, he or she also thrives in an environment where rules and techniques are always changing.

When the rules change, does your fight, flight or freeze? You want a marketer who is able to keep delivering results when their job is completely turned upside down, embrace new channels, come up with new approaches when Google makes an algorithm change and does so without having a nervous breakdown.

Trait #3: Data-Centric

Understanding customer behavior and creating a winning marketing strategy requires lots of data in 2018. Aaron Soh, Hubspot’s head of channel sales for Asia, has even gone so far as to say that all marketers love data.

While all marketers don’t love data, all marketing superstars probably do. That’s because data is what makes marketing automation powerful, it is what helps marketers engineer micro-campaigns, and it is what moves prospects through a funnel. A great marketer has to be all about the data.

Trait #4: Caring

The place for marketers who push themselves onto customers is rapidly shrinking. Regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has put an end to bad marketing practices, and a generation of marketing-weary consumers are further moving the industry away from things like list buying and sneaky customer data use.

Winning marketers aren’t affected by many of these changes, though, because they’ve always cared for the customer and avoided such tactics. Good marketers win because they build engagement in a way that is permission-based and fundamentally customer-centric.

Trait #5: Collaborative

Marketers who are most effective are not working in a silo—they are collaborating with sales, support and the customers as part of an integrated unit.

A marketing superstar collaborates almost as second nature, connecting and learning from everyone around him or her. They build rapport easily, they share, they communicate effectively. And most importantly, they are team players.

Being approachable and open to different ideas helps a good marketer take a holistic approach to marketing and ultimately stand out from the ground by engaging with the crowd.

Trait #6: Bold

Good marketers are bold enough to try things and fail fast.

Today’s marketing superstars are bold and courageous, ready to take chances and put their neck on the line in the service of a new strategy for driving engagement and building sales.

They make decisions and move forward without significant fear of failure, and both come up with ideas and actually have the chutzpah to put these ideas into practice. Safety is not a virtue in a marketer in 2018, and marketing superstars are willing to run with untested ideas and develop campaigns that push the limits.

Trait #7: Passionate

Finally, marketing superstars love marketing. They’re passionate about what they do.

Passionate marketers go above and beyond what is expected of them to get the job done—and they do it well because they love their job. This internal motivation brings a little extra juice to everything they do, and it shows in their creativity, their work ethic, their attitude and their energy on the job.

You don’t want a marketer who phones it in or just copies what others are saying and doing. You want someone who is engaged and passionate, just as you hopefully are passionate about the role you play in your business.

Sure, there are technical skills that marketers should know, things like how to segment and write with good SEO in mind. But most of those skills can be picked up along the way—and many of them are changing so fast that you can’t hire based on skills anyway.

What you want is a marketer who has the right traits. Those are the people who deliver time and time again.