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7 ways to sales-test your website


The trouble with us trainers is that we can easily fall into the ‘online portfolio’ website trap. You know what I'm talking about don't you? Because I believe we've all been guilty of it. We combine an expensively designed website with loads of generic people development content and examples of course outlines written in a text book fashion using Bloom's taxonomy of training objectives. The online result resembles one of those many boring training portfolios that land on clients’ desks daily. Then we admire our shop front and wait for our corporate prospects and clients to land on our site, exclaim "that's exactly what my business needs" and rush to contact us and book us to solve their people management and soft skills challenges!

Chances are what will really happen is that they will pass on by with no more than a cursory glance. And the sad truth is that you are leaving contracts and money on the table that could have been yours for the taking.

So here's 7 of the absolute ‘must haves’ if you want to transform your website into a marketing tool that will get you sales and the types of clients you want to work with.

So call up your website now. Evaluate it against my “7 must haves” below. Then ask yourself if your website, in which you have probably invested a lot of time and money, actually passes this most simple of sales tests:

1. Have you written it with an 'academic' mindset or is there a commercial focus on attracting clients?

2. Is it handcrafted for your ideal client? Does it appeal to an identikit of them and talk to their pain and problems?

3. Do you present your solutions using simple, compelling benefits driven language?

4. Are you giving away some great free content that showcases your training expertise in a way that makes your website visitors exclaim "that's exactly what my business needs" and for which they will readily exchange their contact details?

5. Do you capture their details through a sign up box which connects to your database and then start developing a relationship with them?

6. Have you ensured your site is covered in 'bling' showing your client list, awards, accolades, press articles etc?

7. Have you used video and video testimonials to provide the proof that you are a great trainer and your clients think so too?

So how did your website fare against these? If you are disappointed with your results then why not start a plan of action that at least implements my 7 must haves? You’ll find they’ll help your lead generation and relationship building with the type of clients you want to work with. You’ll also be 7 steps nearer to having a website that acts as a sales machine and to winning those contracts that could make all the difference to your business, your income and ultimately your lifestyle!

2 Responses

  1. 7 ways to sales test your website

    Great stuff Alison! Very useful for anyone wanting to make sales through their website.

    Coming from an academic background it has taken me a long time to start applying tips like you suggest here. Now that I have started changing the way I write copy on my websites (and there is still alot to change!) and in my e news bulletins, I’ve noticed a gradual increase in the number of enquiries.

    Any more tips like this – most welcome!


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