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Perm to Contracting??


I've been made redundant recently and rather than look for another permanent training position, I want to try working for myself as a contractor. I've been doing IT and soft-skills training for a contact centre for the last 2-3 years.

Any advice would be appreciated (also I noted that there is an online workshop on wed 30th Jan about 'going freelance' on this site) this still happening?


Jon Searing
Jon Searing

2 Responses

  1. Contracting
    Hi Jon,

    I am a contractor working as an IT Trainer and am also considering freelancing. I’m afraid I don’t have any suggestions to do with freelancing, but I have found a really good site for contractors… I suggest you take a look at ‘The Computer Contractors Guide To The Galaxy’ at:

    A fellow contractor has set this site up and he offers advice on things such as accountants, agencies, company set-up and IR35.

    Good luck!