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CIPD Launches Management Cerificate


Research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) suggests that many UK managers are failing to do an effective job.

Almost half of employees (43%) are dissatisfied with the relationship with their line manager, while one-third of employees (30%) say they rarely or never get feedback on their performance.

The statistics come as the CIPD launches a new management certificate Managing People.

Mike Emmott, CIPD Employee Relations Adviser, said: “Poor management skills leave staff feeling disengaged and [can] damage productivity levels [in businesses]. Getting people to turn up for work is the easy bit. Managers and team leaders need to know how to engage staff, manage performance, deal with problems and lead teams if they are to make a real contribution to the business.”

One Response

  1. another management certificate?
    As a management trainer this does not surprise me.

    Very often when I accept a training assignment within the proposal I ask for regular meetings between those on the training course and their line managers. What is increasingly obvious is that many of these managers have had little or no management training. Where they have had training is it very ‘formulaic’ or ‘glib’.

    Is this the result of years of reductions in training budgets or is it more to do with the reduction in training for trainers in organisations?

    Do we really need another management certificate for this? Perhaps the CIPD should be focusing on providing cost effective training for trainers and leave the management development qualifications to the CMI and the education system?