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External Mentors for Call centres


I am looking for information regarding companies who provide mentoring services for professional sales managers. Ideally the person/ company would need to have an understanding of call centres and insurance.

The areas needed to be covered are:
Managing people through people
Business Analysis skills

Kind Regards

M. Sunderland
Training Manager
Mandy Sunderland

5 Responses

  1. call centre mentor
    We are using a number of programmes in call centres to achieve this purpose as part of a joint initiative mentoring programme. if you would like more details please email with size of your organisation and whether your require intranet mentoring as part of the programme.

  2. one to one mentoring services
    Hi Mandy. As a reelance trainer and personal coach I may be able to help. E-mail me ( telephone 01298-23135 and I’d be happy to talk further.
    Steve Short

  3. I can help so contact me…

    I work for a learning solutions company who work in the call centre arena. As part of our Learning and Consultancy offering I coach and mentor individuals in a number of roles and industries.

    My background is in personal development, specifically in call centres. A few years ago, I set up a call centre in the insurance industry so I have a good understanding of these areas.

    Please feel free to contact me so we can have a chat about your needs and whether I can help.
    Telephone 0207 724 8996 or email

    Kind regards


  4. Mentor for Sales Manager – call centres

    You might want to have a chat with Catherine Botting who has a great deal of experience working with call centres, as well as supporting and coaching senior managers, and uses a variety of techniques to help people develop.

    No business interest, just impressed with her approach and results.

    Telephone: 01943 850739
    Mobile: 07941 782960

    Tell her Hi! from me
    Best wishes
    Andrea Newton

  5. Happy to talk 🙂
    Hi Mandy

    It might be worth your while talking to us at Pearn Kandola. We are a large practice of occupational psychologists who have extensive experience in mentoring, call centre environments and the insurance business.

    I am sure that the issues you want to address will be well within our capability. Feel free to get in touch if you want more information, or take a look at our website ( Our number is 01865 516202.

    Hope you able to find the right solution for you and your sales managers.

    Martin Galpin