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Ashcroft Launches Blended Leadership Programme


Ashcroft International Business School is launching a blended learning alternative to its traditional undergraduate programmes.

Designed to emphasise work-based learning the first year of the You Lead programme is completed online.

The You Lead portal will also allow learners to meet online, discuss leadership issues and share knowledge.

Ashcroft and its partner e-learning specialist Epic, feel that they have designed a programme that can offer a real alternative to studying full time at university, and which will appeal to all age groups.

The Anglia Ruskin University business school sees the programme as an alternative to student debt - as learners can study whilst working - and meeting the agenda for widening participation in higher education.

Professor Martin Reynolds, Dean of Ashcroft said: “The leadership qualification reflects a course design that is challenging but rewarding and offers a flexible route to a recognised university award.“

The business school is validating a framework of programmes, based on work-based learning and application, which can be delivered through a flexible and blended learning route in Autumn 2006.

The framework will comprise of:
Individual Certificates of Credit
Certificate in Leadership
Diploma in Leadership
BA (Hons) Leadership


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