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Ufi adopts quality standards developed by IITT


The University for Industry (Ufi) has announced that it will be adopting the Institute of IT Training's quality standards for all of its technology-based training materials.

Learningdirect, the on-line learning network currently being put together by Ufi, is currently being tested by the first 68 on-line learndirect centres in England.

These centres are working with Ufi to develop and test learndirect services, including the on-line delivery of learning via the Internet.

The Content Foundry is an important part of this process. As a ‘not-for-profit’ partnership between a group of UK education and training content companies, it has been working on testing and implementing early examples of digital learning materials for the learndirect system, using the new quality standards.

Mary Benwell,Ufi's Director of Learning Products says that "the arrival of on-line learning is giving an enormous boost to the market in technology-based learning materials", but that "there is a clear need for recognised and widely accepted quality standards for the industry. This is vital if learners and employers are to have confidence in the e-learning revolution".

Content Foundry partners include Bradford Technology, CTAD, Dean Associates, Delphic Interactive, DELTA Institute at the University of Wolverhampton, Digital University Press, Epic Group, fluenc-e, Knowledge=Power, the Living IT Consortium and the Strata Consortium.

For other recent news about Ufi: