Netskills is offering free e-learning seminars for those working in the adult and community learning sector.
The one-day workshop 'Online Learning for Adult and Community Learning' includes presentations, discussion and practical use of relevant web tools and resources, and is designed to complement the NIACE e-Guides programme.
The workshops, normally £125, are subsidised by the JISC, and are being held at the following locations across England:
* 4th Nov., Nottingham University
* 18th Nov., Manchester University
* 23rd Nov., North Hertfordshire College, Letchworth
* 30th Nov., Wolverhampton University
* 14th Dec., Newcastle University
* 20th Jan., University of the West of England, Bristol
* 2nd Feb., South Camden City Learning Centre, London
Full details and online booking forms are available from the Netskills website.