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E-trainers not yet comfortable with technology, says ETV


The Electronic Training Village's latest survey entitled 'Trainer's skills for e-learning' finds that many are not yet at ease with the technology and delivery methods required and need to develop their skills further.

The report reveals that technical knowledge is still lacking among those moving into the field of e-learning from traditional delivery methods. Almost half of the 500 respondents said that they would only rate their skills in designing specifications for tools and content for the web as fair or poor. Trainers also appear to possess better moderating skills if they work within private companies - only 30% of those working in HE or FE colleges felt they were competent at moderating discussions over the web. Currently though, this is not felt to be a high priority - only 40% felt it was an important skill to have at present, which perhaps reflects the fact that the technology has yet to be fully embraced.

In terms of developing the skills needed to deliver training using online methods, only 45% of those questioned said they had received any formal training to do this, having learned most of it 'by trial and error'. 80% believed that they would need to develop new expertise in the design and delivery of online learning in the next year or so, but many were concerned as to how this would happen and some were worried about being' left behind' as a result. Many also expressed concern that pedagogy should be given a greater emphasis than technology, reflecting a discernable shift within the e-learning market to concentrate on content.

However, those questioned were not unduly concerned about the rate of speed at which online learning is developing - in fact, 25% thought that most trainers would not need the skills to deliver e-learning in the next 2 years.

Trainer skills and e-learning will be one of the topics discussed at 'Online Learning 2001 Europe', February 2001, an event being run by CEDEFOP, The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. For further information, visit the Electronic Training Village at