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John Matchett Ltd partners with iRevolution


iRevolution Group plc has announced a strategic partnership agreement with John Matchett Ltd (JML) one of Europe’s leading learning management systems providers.

Under the agreement iRevolution will host a series of JML’s e-learning solutions via the Software as a Service model it pioneered four years ago. The combination of JML’s 30 years of experience in training and education and iRevolution’s experience in the provision of applications via Software as a Service will greatly benefit customers desiring the flexibility of a learning programme delivered any time, anywhere and on any device.

The introduction of the Software as a Service programme will also open up the industry leading training solutions to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) enabling them to benefit at a cost more suited to their needs and requirements. Similarly, learning via the Software as a Service method offers a more flexible and ‘just in time’ approach to training which is also likely to be attractive to the larger corporates.

A range of value added services, which have been developed by iRevolution, will enhance the e-learning solutions offered by JML. The services include the creation of secure virtual classrooms incorporating messaging and collaborative working elements covering training courses in a number of areas including sales, customer service, communication, IT training and financial services.

Michael Frisby, Vice President, Partners and Service at iRevolution said: “The Internet economy combined with today’s competitive environment means that companies are under constant pressure to update employee’s knowledge and skill levels. The companies set to succeed in the Internet age will be those with the greatest skills and ability to create, share and update knowledge. The iRevolution, JML partnership provides an offering which can help organisations achieve this competitive advantage by utilising an integrated business solution that addresses the specific needs of work related skills whilst delivering real return on investment (ROI).

“A major competitive advantage for organisations, whether large or small, is the ability to be flexible and quickly respond to needs and requirements as and when they occur. For example, offline training courses may only occur twice a year therefore there may be a six-month lead-time before an employee can begin. Similarly offsite training courses often require organisations to make arrangements for extra staff to cover periods of absence for training. Training delivered via the iRevolution Software as a Service mechanism is infinitely flexible and can be delivered over the Internet anytime, anywhere and to any device. Additional benefits also include the delivery method’s scalability, high level of security and cost effectiveness.”

Mark Homer, Director of Software, JML Ltd said: “We believe that the future for e-learning is looking increasingly bright. This was supported by the results of a survey we ran towards the end of 2000, which suggested that by 2003 e-learning will have grown by an average of 63 per cent. JML has over 30 years of experience in the provision of market leading training and learning solutions and through this experience has learnt that the majority of organisations see training as strategic to their business. We also understand that in order for us to remain competitive we need to remain at the forefront of technology and evolve the way our solutions are delivered.

“We have chosen to work with iRevolution as they are one of Europe’s leading software solution providers and were pioneers in the development of the Software as a Service delivery mechanism. Therefore, the two organisations are highly complementary to each other and will enable learning management to be delivered using the latest technology and delivery mechanism.”