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TUC Works With DfES To Boost Workplace Learning


A workplace learning programme which should help 250,000 employees per year has been launched.

Unionlearn aims to boost workforce skills across England and will focus on literacy and numeracy training.

The project is a partnership between the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). It will aim to improve employer support for training to promote the UK skills pool.

Brendan Barber, TUC general secretary, outlined the role which employers must play.

“This is a great opportunity to showcase the crucial role of trade unions in boosting UK skills and productivity,” he said.

“Employers need to step up to the challenge of workplace learning, with more support for learning reps, time off to train and a decent wage for apprenticeships,” he added.

Unionlearn director Liz Smith commented: “For individual workers, unionlearn will bring opportunities to develop new skills and ambitions. For employers, it will demonstrate the benefits of a better-trained workforce and higher productivity.”