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Authorware trainer / consultant


We're starting an elearning project with one of our customers, and we've decided to use Macromedia Authorware as the development tool for the proof of concept phase. We'll be developing a demo training module for one of the inhouse scientific web-based packages. The training module will be delivered on the intranet and possibly by CD also.

Most of the design and development work will be done by myself and a colleague. While we are both experienced trainers and course designers / developers, we have only limited experience of using this package.

We're looking for a trainer / consultant who can work with us for a few days to get us started with the package. As time is of the essence (we have until December to produce the initial module, and we only work part time with this company) and we have a limited budget for the proof of concept phase, we can't afford to go down too many blind alleys. So if anyone out there has personally worked with an Authorware trainer / consultant, and can recommend them, I'd love to hear from you. North-west based, Authorware 6 experience, knowledge of pharmaceutical industry would all be useful, but not essential!


Nici Aldridge