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50% of financial sector employees not getting training, says new survey


A survey carried out by recruiters Joslin Rowe, has revealed that one in two people working in the professional and financial services sector have received no training at work in the last 12 months. This backs up other recent reports which have shown that a significant number of people are still not being offered adequate training opportunities by their employer and are missing out on important personal career development.

Of those people questioned 49 per cent said they hadn’t received any training in the last 12 months at work. The good news is that the majority of people (93 per cent) who had been on training courses said they had been relevant to their job. And seven out of ten said that the course/s had in some way improved their career development within their company.

The survey also shows that employers who do implement training programmes are offering a mixture of options, of both external and in-house courses. People rated the standard of training courses highly with a total of 91 per cent rating it as either ‘very good’ or ‘good’.

The results also showed that 30 per cent of people were so concerned about their lack of training at work that this had prompted them to look for a new job.