Make sure you have a beginning, middle and end and don’t try to be too clever.
Start with an interesting concept, phrase or picture
End with an interesting thought
Thats it. Piece of cake this Training lark! 🙂
sorry to be boring but define “training skills”
business analysis
learning needs analysis
instructional design (with knowledge of and considerations of the learning objectives, learning styles of the delegates and delegates’ prior understanding/skill in the subject matter) and design and creation of appropriate learning aids
interactive facilitation
presentation skill
four levels of kirkpatrick evaluation
If you want to cover that lot (properly) in 20 minutes you are going to be pushing it
Videos Just did a qick search and lots of micro teach videos out there.
Just be aware that most are examples of how NOT to do it!
3 Responses
Make sure you have a beginning, middle and end and don’t try to be too clever.
Start with an interesting concept, phrase or picture
End with an interesting thought
Thats it. Piece of cake this Training lark! 🙂
sorry to be boring but define “training skills”
business analysis
learning needs analysis
instructional design (with knowledge of and considerations of the learning objectives, learning styles of the delegates and delegates’ prior understanding/skill in the subject matter) and design and creation of appropriate learning aids
interactive facilitation
presentation skill
four levels of kirkpatrick evaluation
If you want to cover that lot (properly) in 20 minutes you are going to be pushing it
Just did a qick search and lots of micro teach videos out there.
Just be aware that most are examples of how NOT to do it!