Tuesday, 31 August 2010
new registration day
AmKon Training Services has created this easy to follow top 10 hint check list for you to act upon immediately;
1) Has the certificate of insurance arrived?
Check the insured’s name matches to the name the customer requires the vehicle to be
registered in
Check the registration number is correct, be it a department of transport registration or a
private plate
Check the time of insurance commencement
2) If any of these details are incorrect, or the cover note has not arrived, iron out the issue by
offering the manufacturer free insurance cover TODAY
3) Keep in touch with the customer
Confirm the appointment time for tomorrow and stress the importance of the timing
If there is an insurance issue, sort it out now, don’t wait until tomorrow and cause panic for
4) Has the finance agreement been drawn up correctly?
Does the finance agreement have the correct chassis and registration number details?
Does the balance to finance match the invoice?
Does the On the Road price and deposit match the invoice?
If the vehicle specification has changed, for example from an Elegance to a Sport, does the
Finance agreement reflect those changes in vehicle description? And more important still,
do you have the correct residual value?
5) Has the GAP agreement been registered?
Every customer should always be offered Guaranteed Asset Protection. Not only is this a FSA
requirement, but if the customer left the showroom and wrote off the car, how annoyed would
they be if you had not offered this most important cover?
6) Has the car been fully prepared?
Apart from the obvious pre delivery inspection, is it clean? Has the paint protection product
been applied?
If any accessories have been sold, have they been fitted to the car?
7) Has the "Demands and Needs" document been signed?
Sometimes if it has been completed over the telephone and then posted for signature,
customers do not always return the signed document. An unsigned document could have
disastrous results in a FSA audit, potentially with the dealership losing the right to sell
insurance products. How popular would you be?
8) If the customer did not use finance, shock horror, have the funds cleared?
Has the electronic transfer cleared?
Is your accounts department in receipt of the bankers draft?
9) If you have sold something after the original order, do you have a supplementary invoice
drawn up?
10) If you have covered all these areas, all should go to plan. Remember, you sell cars everyday,
you are the specialist. Most times for a customer collecting a car, this is a once every two or
three year cycle, and it is an important day for them. Make them welcome and feel special.
Go that extra mile, if you don’t, don’t expect the 100% customer satisfaction survey, you will
be marked upon what you deserve, and even though you are busy, remember your three day
follow up call, every customer is important.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
new registration day
AmKon Training Services has created this easy to follow top 10 hint check list for you to act upon immediately;
1) Has the certificate of insurance arrived?
Check the insured's name matches to the name the customer requires the vehicle to be
registered in
Check the registration number is correct, be it a department of transport registration or a
private plate
Check the time of insurance commencement
2) If any of these details are incorrect, or the cover note has not arrived, iron out the issue by
offering the manufacturer free insurance cover TODAY
3) Keep in touch with the customer
Confirm the appointment time for tomorrow and stress the importance of the timing
If there is an insurance issue, sort it out now, don't wait until tomorrow and cause panic for
4) Has the finance agreement been drawn up correctly?
Does the finance agreement have the correct chassis and registration number details?
Does the balance to finance match the invoice?
Does the On the Road price and deposit match the invoice?
If the vehicle specification has changed, for example from an Elegance to a Sport, does the
Finance agreement reflect those changes in vehicle description? And more important still,
do you have the correct residual value?
5) Has the GAP agreement been registered?
Every customer should always be offered Guaranteed Asset Protection. Not only is this a FSA
requirement, but if the customer left the showroom and wrote off the car, how annoyed would
they be if you had not offered this most important cover?
6) Has the car been fully prepared?
Apart from the obvious pre delivery inspection, is it clean? Has the paint protection product
been applied?
If any accessories have been sold, have they been fitted to the car?
7) Has the "Demands and Needs" document been signed?
Sometimes if it has been completed over the telephone and then posted for signature,
customers do not always return the signed document. An unsigned document could have
disastrous results in a FSA audit, potentially with the dealership losing the right to sell
insurance products. How popular would you be?
8) If the customer did not use finance, shock horror, have the funds cleared?
Has the electronic transfer cleared?
Is your accounts department in receipt of the bankers draft?
9) If you have sold something after the original order, do you have a supplementary invoice
drawn up?
10) If you have covered all these areas, all should go to plan. Remember, you sell cars everyday,
you are the specialist. Most times for a customer collecting a car, this is a once every two or
three year cycle, and it is an important day for them. Make them welcome and feel special.
Go that extra mile, if you don't, don't expect the 100% customer satisfaction survey, you will
be marked upon what you deserve, and even though you are busy, remember your three day
follow up call, every customer is important.