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John Rice

Bowland Solutions

Sales & Marketing Director

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There are many truths


Over the course of a year we find ourselves reading a large number 360 feedback reports and research or survey results.  Often we hear the same event, conference, or conversation described by people in very different ways.  Indeed, often it can take a little while to realise you are hearing about the same situation or message due to the level of contradictory perspectives.  Everyone has honestly given an account but they have unconsciously applied filters, biases, values, and experience to form their own view.   There are many truths.

This can be intensely frustrating within an organisation.   There are two solutions that I see working.  One is acceptance that there will be many truths and to allow for that variety.  The other is to realise that important messages require repetition and visible actions that match the message.  This reduces the variety of truths on the key communications.  A tight culture, confidence and know-how can build around the core values of the organisation.

At a personal one-to-one level it can avoid considerable frustration if you accept that one person’s truth may not be the same as yours.


Author Profile Picture
John Rice

Sales & Marketing Director

Read more from John Rice