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A game with blindfolds and rainbow coloured shapes


I once, at the beginning of a team building event, took part in an activity whereby we were all blindfolded and were given different shaped and coloured cards (I believe they were the colours of the rainbow). We had to work together to hand them into the trainer in a certain order. It was a good icebreaker and introduction to working and communicating as a team and I'd like to use it for a workshop I'm running but can't remember the specifics. Is anyone familiar with this game? Thanks
Stephanie Timms

3 Responses

  1. Exercise
    Called Colourblind I think. We have a copy. Feel free to call – Ben at Elemental Development on (01539) 568909

  2. Colourblind
    Yeah the games called Colourblind – a great game which delegates always love to play.

  3. Colourblind
    An associate told me about this one – I’ve used it since in a number of scenarios, most interestingly with an MBTI workshop.

    Exercise COLOUR SHAPES
    Explore interpersonal communications through removal of visual sense
    Explore communication styles of individuals (viz a viz personality types)

    6 sets of shapes, each set comprising same shape but in 6 different colours
    blind folds for each participant
    Team of 4 or more people

    1. Arrange each participant around a table, wearing blindfolds.
    2. Place in front of each participant a random selection of the 36 shapes, dispersed evenly between each participant.
    3. State the objective – “to arrange the shapes such that they are arranged in 6 piles, each pile comprised of the same COLOUR. 30 minutes are allowed.”
    4. State the limitations – keep blindfolds on; may ask only 1 question of instructor which is “what colour is this shape?” the shape to be held up by the participant. This question may be asked as many times as is appropriate by any participant at any time. The instructor must answer correctly with the colour.
    5. Can nominate (or have team nominate) who will act as collectors of each pile – could be only 1 person, or any multiple up to and including 6.
    6. Can either nominate a participant to lead, or see if a leader emerges, or several emerge at different stages of the exercise.

    It can be useful to have a participant not take part, but to act as observer to assist with debrief. This person can keep a record of the types of statement or question each delegate tends to ask/state – detail-specific, oriented around the problem, etc. Also keep a record of where the most talking comes from!

    With an absence of visual cues, how effective & efficient was the team communication? How did this affect team performance, organisation and appreciation of the problem? Were the frustrations and conflicts in evidence? What about the emergence or choice of leader? Is there any parallel with the forming, storming, norming, performing team development model?