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Helen Green

Quest Leadership

Leadership Collaborator

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A vision of leadership


The turn of the year; a time for reflection and for vision, looking back at successes and failures over the past year and using them as a catalyst to create a strong roadmap for the year to come. You won’t be alone in this; after all, modelling the way is one of the five characteristics of world-class leaders.

But what do you really understand by modelling the way? Is it, as some would have us believe, a matter of spreadsheets and forecasts, of targets and ambitions? Or is it something far deeper than that, the mapping out of a vision which not only will produce results in the form of additions to the bottom line, but also provide outstanding customer experiences, whilst at the same time helping everyone within the team to perform to their potential.

Well, if we look at the second characteristic of world-class leaders, that of inspiring a shared vision, then the answer is fairly clear. And in fact if you distilled even a fraction of the myriad leadership articles written over the past year into their basic message, then you would also reach the same conclusion. What distinguishes great leaders from everyone else is the way in which they can step over the day-to-day and create a vision which inspires their people. Look at some of the great leaders throughout history; whether they be warriors or princes, politicians or business people, and they all have that same quality; one which enables them to enthuse and empower others to greatness.

But sometimes vision on its own is not enough and people have to be helped to assimilate the personal qualities and skills which will enable them to carry the vision forward. I may have been inspired to change my approach in order to deliver outstanding levels of customer service, but unless I receive training in areas such as listening and communication, decision-making and negotiating, then I am never going to achieve a satisfactory outcome. And this is where great leaders again excel in building a team around them who will take on the vision and help to deliver it. HR, team leaders, trainers; all play their part in ensuring that everyone within the organisation has the training and the support which they need to translate the vision into action.

So as the days turn towards a New Year and the long dark nights start to fade towards the hope of spring it’s time for you to ask yourself what is your own vision for the future. More importantly, it’s time for you to build the training and the conditions which are required to deliver your vision into reality.

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Helen Green

Leadership Collaborator

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