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I've been in training for over 20 years.
I'm your typical old hack trainer. I wheel in, do my stuff, then wheel out. I love my job, I love my audiences and they tell me I'm a good turn.
I'm an accountant first, trainer second. I offer standard or tailored 2 day seminars with titles such as "Finance for Non-Financial Managers", "Business Finance for Decision Makers", "Financial Awareness", etc. I deliver these courses on clients' premises. My clients have included many blue chip plcs as well as some public sector organisations such as the NHS.
Just lately I've been asked by a client to have my courses accredited as part of their management development programme. How do I go about this? What's involved. Will it enhance my value in clients' eyes?
I would be grateful any of your comments - particularly from any other 'old hack' trainers out there.
Anthony Feely

4 Responses

  1. Hacks and cash
    When I started this business I was a lawyer first and a trainer second and as the business grew we too had to cross the accreditation hurdle.

    We have spent a lot of money for accreditation but I think the easiest, most commercially viable and straightfoward route is the ILM course accreditation process.

    They are really helpful and the process is well supported with their own literature.

    As to value for your clients, well we are firm believers in giving the customer what they want. Agility in developing your services in line with the client’s needs is key. We have retained large contracts long beyond their natural life by adapting and pre-empting their needs. We care and the trust is established.

    However the accreditation process does take time and resources and therefore you need to take account of the time it has taken you to get the accreditation and recoup by costing that into your course. The first accreditation takes longer than any other.

    Having been through this with a good client who then, when quoted the accredited price ( we charged them the registration fees only extra)decided not to bother, so be careful.

    If we bespoke a course for a client now, we make sure we have the contract in place (more fool us for not doing this with the first one, you might say!) before we start and the written agreement and deposit on the work needed. However if you are getting lots of work from a client and they want accreditation, its easier to meet them halfway in terms of cost.

    If you want some help let me know. Our time spent in getting accreditation is now very low as we have the framework.

    TBD Global Ltd
    0870 241 3998

  2. Many thanks
    Susan – It’s good to hear from someone who’s been through the accreditation process with a client. Your advice is very timely, particularly the warning to discuss and pre-plan the issue of who pays.

    I’m meeting with the client shortly. They have been talking to ‘2 universities’ about accreditation (don’t know which). This is presumably an alternative to the ILM route?

  3. good advice
    Have to go agree with Anthony, that the advice from Sue is very good. Also use the search box at the top right of the page to have a look at comments/articles on this subject.

  4. Accreditation
    Thanks Anthony,

    If the client is speaking to the University I would ask them to share their wishes/desires with you as well. I presume they must have an outline of their needs in accreditation which they have shared with the University?

    ILM have a long standing history of accreditation of management programmes for organisations and great credibility for practical, cutting edge leadership and management thinking.

    Their courses carry some kudos and gravitas! They will stand up to University theory models and be job specific.

    I would see how far the discussions have gone and get in there!

    TBD Global Ltd
    0870 241 3998