We are the market leader for Pharmacy IT systems in the UK. We develop a suite of software products which help manage the Pharmacy business. I am responsible for all software training, from developing the strategies and plans, to overseeing our field trainers and I also deliver training to our internal staff. It's a new position (1 month & counting) and I need to develop an accrediation processes for any staff that will be providing training, internally or externally. Can anyone give me some pointers on where to start? Thanks

4 Responses
try looking at national occupational standards
Hi Clara
I’d recommend looking at ukstanards.org and look up the particular occupational area you are referring to.
I’ve just done a similar project for use in our organisation – a global skincare and cosmetics retailer and found this site useful as a starting point, and benchmark.
Best Regards,
Start with an existing accreditation process
The Institute of IT Training (IITT) and British Computer Society (BCS) run a joint certification programme – TPMA – which already has what you need and is based on national standards.
There are a number of IITT Authorised Qualification and Assessment Centres that can help you to get your trainers through the accreditation process.
Hope you find this helpful – further information is available on the IITT website http://www.iitt.org.uk/
Kind regards.
Develop your own set of competencies
Or alternatively, depending on how much time you have and how confident you feel, you could develop your own set of trainer competencies and use this as an internal benchmark / accreditation process, and also an ongoing development / evaluation tool. This is what we did and it works fantastically well when recruiting and managing trainers, it sets a standard for what you feel constitutes training excellence within your own organisational environment.
Feel free to have a look at ours for inspiration – click on the download link at the bottom of the page:
Trainer standards
Developing your own may seem like a good idea – but then it can be hard to grow.
using a ‘ready made format’ acts as an external quality check.
If you want “management of training” then look at the CIPD CTP (others include ITOL cert & dip etc)
If you want “delivery of training” then look at The IITT TPMA ( as Jooli mentioned) or TAP from the training foundation. the disadvantage with TAP is that it is not aligned to the national framework (TPMA is) and the fact that it is run by a commercial company is a risk – what if they change their business model.
Your staff will value the external recognition.
As you are health-care based look at level 4 based approaches as the NHS is going that way.