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Advanced customer care skills


I have been asked to design a programme on customer care for qualified HR people who are now going to be staffing their organisation's HR Help Desk, following a reorganisation that has involved managers taking responsibility for HR matters previously handled centrally. I would like to include some really thought-provoking and fresh exercises, games, discussions etc that do not patronise this level of staff. Anything you can add to my toolbox would be gratefully received.

Jennifer James

4 Responses

  1. We’re all customers!
    Hi Jenny

    An exercise that I’ve used many times at all levels is to split the group into smaller groups of 3 or 4 people. Half the groups should discuss good experiences and half bad experiences they’ve had as customers. Once they’ve each given an example to each other bring them back together and take some examples from each group. No matter what the issue is (good or bad) I will guarantee that it has something to do with how they were treated as a person and very little to do with the actual product. E.g. some will use a complaint about the product as a good example because it was handled so well. You should find at the end of the exercise that you have some great pointers of what to do/not to do to make the service memorable and because they are talking about their own real experiences, it does not patronise.

    Hope this helps


  2. further to Sue’s comment
    Hi Jennifer
    I have also done the exercise Sue refers to below and I have found a simple but very effective add on to it.
    After they have discussed the situation of bad service get them to consider what could have been done to turn it round. Get them to ask themselves how much it would have cost, in £’s and effort, to turn it round (usually very little), then get them to consider the ongoing impact on the supplier of the bad service (usually much more costly).
    Do the same in reverse for the good experiences.
    It is an eye opener

  3. and also
    Hi Again Jennifer
    I did a workshop for HR helpdesk staff in a bank about a year ago.
    I wrote some simple case studies; person and query.
    We got the delegates to carry out a downstream impact assessment for a situation where the helpdesk either gave wrong or late responses.
    Delegates where absolutely gobsmacked at the huge ramifications of any form of failure on their part. It really helped them to improve their overall efficiency.