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advertising solutions


I have a newly formed Freelance trainin company, delivering in the Health and Social care sector. Apart from all the usual places to advertise, I'm wondering if there is something that I am missing, and would be grateful for any advice/experineces


Andrew Crouch

5 Responses

  1. website
    Hi Andrew,

    I have found to be a fantastic networking site, free of charge for the basic package – I have had numerous enquiries for training and coaching work through it.

    Have you also tried some of the free health directories (just type in FREE health directories into google)

    Another great resource is trainerbase if you are not already registered.

    kindest regards


  2. thankyou
    Thankyou very much for your responses, and I’ll certainly have a look. At the moment, I’m delivering the full range of short courses, as well as staff development sessions, with a view to eventually delivering RMA and LDQ qualifications.

  3. advertising -v- marketing
    Hi Andrew
    This will all depend on your budget.

    Find a trainer type sites like TrainerBase are worth considering as well as those mentioned.

    But true advertising…
    adwords through google and other pay per click should be looked at.
    Adverts on the digests here on TrainingZone are very effective, as are adverts on Training Journal.

    Other vehicles should include the training managers year book and the HR directors etc…

    You can direct mail – post or email – but make sure you have a well written piece.

    You need to make sure that your site can be seen and found on the web ( )

    You state that you offer a full range of courses – that will make your marketing message more difficult to communicate in an el;electronic medium. On paper a ‘one stop shop’ works well. But on the web pages need to be ‘optimised’ for a single piece of content – so it is better to specialise!

    What about journals specific to your sector? have you contacted publishers?

    I have found from experience that a one off advert does not cut it – people need to see the advert on a regular basis – so don’t look at a one off and expect an instant return – that is very rare!
    Advertising our sort of business is a long term strategy.
    Hope this helps
    Mike Morrison