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Advice for Redundant Trainer please


I recently found out that I can expect to be made redundant at the end of November. After 13 years working for the same company I'm somewhat "out of the loop" with regards to job-seeking, so would very much welcome any tips from fellow trainers! I'm looking for things such as useful websites, names of recruitment agencies specialising in training, other sources of vacancies, and any general tips about the job market and how best to sell my skills to prospective employers.

Anne Vasey

6 Responses

  1. Coaching
    Having been ‘out of the loop’ as you put it, I would suggest seeing if your employer would cover the costs of some one-to-one coaching to help you through this transition (or pay yourself).

    There are plenty of companies and individuals out there, but someone I have found very helpful is a coach called Charlotte Reynolds. Her email is

    Her approach is to help you identify your aims, and then work with you to help you access your full potential. Her approach is to help you to clarify the goals that really matter to you. Together you then design the most appropriate route towards the fulfilment of these goals.

    And her fees are reasonable!

    Best wishes with your future, as you take hold of new opportunities.

  2. Keep your options open
    I’ve been in the same position and I know how hard it can be. It turned out to be the best thing that could have happened. I contracted on a large project, which led to even more work before I returned to permanent work. There are several agencies which handle trainers – often specialising in different markets. Have a look at Personnel Today – those agencies often advertise there. Register your CV on the Personnel Today website and also on There are other sites (jobserve, planetrecruit, workthing) and all are useful. Training Synergy handle trainers looking for both permanent and freelance work ( EJ Human Resources, Interim Performers, Clairville Associates, TMP, Fraser Jones, Chamberlains and Barbara Wren are all agencies which handle trainers.

    Also, send your CV direct to companies that you want to work for (agencies can sometimes lack imagination when looking to place people). Have different CVs ready and don’t forget to adapt them for the particular job you are going for.

    Ask any contacts you have about vacancies going. The training industry can be quite incestuous – I often get asked by other training managers if I know anyone looking for a position.

    Don’t worry about being ‘out of the loop’. I think potential employers will value your commitment. And a new challenge may be good for you. Good luck!

  3. Redundancy
    Wayne gave you a brilliant and comprehensive reply. I endorse all he says
    I was made redundant.Very happy in my job but it was the best thing ever. I began by writing to local training providers setting out my specialist and generalist store. One reply gave me work.From there I networked with other trainers and now I go all over Britain,mainly with my specialist training but also general stuff. Find out if there is a Trainers forum in your area.



  4. Network!
    In a word: Network. There’s lots of data around to show that networking is a crucial way of finding a job – in fact, it’s so crucial that we should be maintaining our network all the time (not just wehn a crisis happens!!)

    I’m not saying that the conventional routes (job ads, recruiters etc) aren’t importnat. Just that networking (ie getting out and about and talking to people) is hugely under-rated by most people.

    Good luck!

  5. Transferable Skills
    Transferable business skills.
    Make a list. Validate
    the transferable business skills you bring to work.
    You can expand your focus
    to explore, discover and make a plan. “The readiness is all.” Fortune Magazine has a “Best Companies to work for issue.

  6. Make sure you have a top notch CV
    I was made redundant at the end of last year from a job I really enjoyed, working with a team of people who were fantastic and where I had learnt a lot myself. Obviously I was not happy, but resolved not to rush into a job that was second best, despite some financial pressures. I would recommend getting advice on writing a good CV; mine was reasonably up to date, as I had only been with my employer two and a half years, but advice helped make it more of a “selling myself” type of document, which would be attractive to prospective employers.
    Despite registering myself with many agencies, they did not manage to find me anything; I found most, but not all, fairly unhelpful and not particularly motivated on my behalf. I ended up with 2 job offers to choose from, both found through applications direct to the companies concerned, not through agencies.
    Use this as an opportunity to really think about what you want to do and the direction you want your career to take, and tailor your CV accordingly, applying for jobs that meet those criteria.
    Good luck!