We provide training, advice and council to workers, managers and senior management on the safety front. Working on ways to reduce/ mitigate the effects of long term debilitating work related illnesses, i.e. upper limb disorders, people will not take the time to look after themselves in the way they carry out their tasks, e.g. bad postures at workstations even after training and instruction. Can we have staff sign-off our liability if their do not wish to follow our advice?
Peter Twinam

One Response
Employees can’t sign away their rights
My training on H&S suggests that getting signed indemnities won’t work in an ET or civil court. This infuriates me because apart from the general lack of care this behaviour represents it also means wasting managment time. Whilst I disagree with the approach I am told that only disciplinary action should result from non compliance. At the end of the day it comes down to more work for the manager because you can’t not train staff and if they do not respond positively they have to be disciplined, have you got time for all that?