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Age Discrimination Legislation


It has been argued that these will be the hardest equality regulations to implement, as ageism is so embedded in UK culture. Cherie Booth has also said age will be the big employment law issue over the next few years.

How are organisations planning to make staff aware of the new regulations?

At I have contributed some low cost blended and e-learning ideas but would be interested in what others are doing or planning to do.
steve rayson

2 Responses

  1. Age Discrimination

    We have done 4 things

    1. Carried out an audit of our existing equality and diversity policies to identify any transferable or cross over points to the new directive

    2. Organised a series of in house exhibitions and fora about the new statute as a taster for

    3. We have found an amazingly low cost trainer who will run a sries of one day sessions in June to August

    4.On the day -and the December implementation day=we are planning a series of flyers and guest speakers around key meeting points

    Good luck


  2. Age
    Hi Steve
    I have been referring clients to local Emp Law lawyers most of the good firms are offering free workshops. Also ACAS have produced a free leaflet giving info on their support including training sessions,organisational healthchecks and guidnace.