I have to deliver an employment law overview to senior management convering key legislation, I would like to make it as interactive as possibe whilst ensuring the neccessary depth is not lost
Ideas welcome
Chris Gregory
Ideas welcome
Chris Gregory
2 Responses
Equality Law
Try “you the jury” sessions based on real cases. There are lots of good materials around such as Townshend Smith on Discrimination Law ISBN 1 85941 795 7
We bought in a trainer who had represented loads of cases and that gave it depth and pace-very lively
Make sure you master the scripts and restrict yourself to about 10 topics.
Good luck
knowledge and ignorance
devise a quiz and make sure they learn from the right and wrong answers
Get them to argue a case study (Townsend-Smith is a good book but not exactly light reading)
You can even do a simple role play
one final thought; why are you doing it? there are plenty of employment law experts/trainers who will do it with confidence and experience