I am currently looking at changing the way we run annual appraisals for line operators on the factory floor. The current system in place is extremely subjective, reading somewhat like a school report, not at all quantitative and is a great source of frustration for managers and employees alike.
Whereas the current format of the form is one of consolidating performance over the past year (the appraisal is completed on an operative’s birthday) with a separate section focussing objectives in the coming year, I am keen to try to tie these two areas closer together with less emphasis on the past
performance and looking more to the future with how the operative can improve his/her performance.
Additionally the current system was created before the company adopted TPM so I’m also looking for ways of effectively measuring contributions to TPM, including results of 5S audits, together with other general indicators such as correlating NVQ status to performance and some good KPIs.
Another aspiration is to have a layout so that conclusions can be drawn about the employee by just a quick glance at the paper.
I would be keen to discuss this with anyone who has a solid appraisal system for factory workers or who has experience at implementing a new and radically different method of appraisal.
Ben Hawley

2 Responses
Shop floor worker appraisals
Hi Ben,
Just searching for help on another topic when your subject heading caught my eye.
I would be interested to hear if you have had any luck in putting together or implementing any form of appraisal system for your factory workers. I too feel our shop floor worker appraisal system could be improved and made less subjective and would be happy to talk further to share ideas if appropriate.
Simple Appraisal Systems
I am looking to introduce an effective and simple appraisal system which would get buy in at all levels.
If you are willing to share your appraisal system for factory operatives, that would be really helpful.