I am running an induction for new starters EMEA wide in London. It will be the first time they have all met together and will be on the induction together for 3 weeks. We have a very small budget of around £30 a head for a team building activity. Does anyone have any ideas?
Saira Allybokus

8 Responses
more detail please
Hi Saira
~£30 per head, how many heads?
~at the beginning, middle or endof the three week induction?
~what, specifically do you want ot get out of it?
~what cultural do’s and don’ts are allowed
I’m not sure it matters too much when you want to do this – but numbers of people will help define the possibilities (massive groups are likely to get a discount on some activities).
But most importantly what do you want to achieve here? Is the objective just getting to know each other and have a bit of a giggle – if so then you have hundreds of potential choices. If you mean you want a facilitator to attend and deliver a “motivational team building” style even then you will need to define your objectives to move forward.
To the horror of many of my colleagues though I’m not sure that many “motivational team building” events have any more value than a trip to the pub after work…
Induction team building ideas..
Thanks for your comments guys, there should be around 10 people, near the start of the induction.
They would be from different countries, although I think the cultural do’s/don’t are liberal.
Main objective is that they gel togther early in the induction knowing that they will be operating as a team for 3 weeks.
After the induction they will return to different roles in different countries so their direct need to share/be open with thier currently knowledge on the induction is not massive. I would however like to ensure they start the induction with the willingness to share what they know with each other, so ideally have a cheap/fun group activity for an afternoon which gets them working togther. Does that make sense?
get them to develop a tourist video
Split them into groups, give them all a video camera and get them to design, plan, script, and film a tourist video for London.
What you’d need to pay for is travel, video hire and any props, which should be covered by £30 per head. You can then post the videos on your indivdual sites, it gives your EMEA people who’ve never visted london a chance to see some of the city, and those who are based here a chance to discover it in depth.
Value of event?
I liked Nik’s previous comment about the value of some events and agree that you could get as much or more benefit from a trip to the pub.
The activity should reflect the aim you have and outcomes you wish to achieve.
I designed an orienteering competition for a similar number for very little cost.
This included the usual stamping of cards as well as asking the attendees to discuss specific issues at certain points.
This could easily have been a pub based treasure hunt.
similar request
Or I have a similar urgent request so dear trainers please keep it in mind while answerring… 15-20 people, £30 per person, ages from 23 to 55… team-building for half a day/whole day. Objective: get to know, better communication, of course team work (impact of each member within a team). Thanks a lot. BTW out of topic: training companies charge a lot even for activities which are not really costy, so disspointed 🙁
Teambuilding Activities
I’ve just run a couple of games for a group of 40.
First, this one provides a fun way to start off the teambuilding event. Ask the group to form teams of equal number, best for 10 – 15. Ask participants to line up according to either their birthdates or alphabetical order of their names. While lining up, they are all blind-folded and not allowed to speak. The team finished the mission in the shortest possible time is the winner. Facilitator may allow 2 minutes team communication, before asking them to blind-fold, and then facilitator to jumbles the teams before the game actually starts.
Second one is an energizer. Invite one participant to demonstrate the following action. Ask him to sit down on the floor with arms stretching sideway at shoulder-height. Then ask him to stand up without changing the posture or asking helping from others. Usually, this will be difficult. Then ask teams to sit down on floor in a circle. Then stretch out their hands and laying hands on the shoulders of partners sitting on both sides. When this action is finished, a complete circle is formed. Then facilitator asks them to stand up. With the help from each other, they could achieve the mission easily. This is a good demonstration of teamwork and inter-dependence.
Third is a revised version of the second game. Ask the team to form a circle with hands laying on top of next partners’ shoulders. Then facilitator put two hula loops on the left and right shoulders of one member. Reform the circle and ask that member to pass on the loops to the next participant without breaking the circle. Ensure the size of the hula loops are big enough to allow an adult’s body to pass through. Once the two loops go back to the participant who starts the game in the shortest time, then this team is the winner.
Hope this helps.
This is a great site for small, medium and large team activities, most have little or no cost to set up