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Any ideas on effective appraisal?


Does anyone have any ideas on how to implement a system of appraisal/performance management for managers and admin staff in a traditional, family owned, manufacturers? There is currently no system in place.
Stephanie Little

8 Responses

  1. Preparation!
    Hi Stephanie

    Efeective appraisals stem from good preparation on both sides, appraisees being measured against agreed standards and being focused on solutions and moving toward achieve the set objectives through a framework, not to mention the appraiser having the correct interpersonal skills to carry it through

    I may be able to help you further on this, drop me a mail on to talk more

    Best wishes


  2. More please…
    Hi Stephanie,

    What and/or who is driving the implementation of this appraisal system?

    Having recently been involved in over-hauling a system at a large organisation I have a pile of examples, experiences and pitfalls to share, but I need to set them in some context – ideally, yours!



  3. Further to previous answers

    Please, before you start any development, ensure that you have on board the managers (who may see this as form filling and more “non-productive” work) and the staff (who may see this as “supervision” and “micromanagement”).

    Incidentally I have found strong differences of opinion around the words “appraisal” and “performance management”…the former is often seen as a judgement that happens once a year whils the latter is a day to day activity


  4. Documents
    I have some appraisal and performance Mgt: documents I rolled out a few years ago in a Call Centre, which I then adapted for the company I am now working with (Manufacturing company) which you may find useful.

  5. appraisal is ppointless without general feedback skills
    A system as such will never solve a human problem. Your company needs its managers to learn how to give feedback on a day to day basis. When this happens, a formal system becomes increasingly unimportant. See recent research, proving yet again, as if we really needed to know, that the appraisal system, when unsupported by a culture of giving feedback all the time, is utterly hopeless at improving performance. Put your energy into teaching feedback skills first and look at the culture to see what’s preventing this happening, then remedy it with the help of the most senior people – they will be the ones who are most culpable and if they can’t do things differently you may as well spare your breath to cool your porridge. Don’t waste your time on yet another system that will be ignored, subverted, derided, because everyone knows that it can never deliver what it is supposed to. Don’t collude!

  6. Copy of Scheme
    I would be happy to forward you a copy of the system I used in my last company which worked quite well.

    The one word of warning is that unless staff are trained in the use of appraisal both from the point of the manager giving the appraisal and from the point of view of staff receiving the appraisal it quickly becomes another one of those time wasting chores that HR force one use and are seen as a waste of time.

    Iain Young

  7. What do you want?
    Hi Stephanie,
    Good luck in introducing the new process. Personally I am a believer in keeping the process as simple as possible whilst fulfilling the needs of all parties, including the organisation. There are many sources of info available but it may be worthwhile visiting the ACAS website. They have some useful guidelines. The task then is defining your process around the guidelines. I agree with previous comments regarding gaining committment from all parties and the need for underpinning communication skills, where necessary. If you want a chat feel free to give me a ring. 07886-525-923. I will be happy to share thoughts.

    Best regards


  8. Are you on a hiding to nothing?
    Hi Stephanie

    A question for you!

    You state in your initial posting that “there currently isn’t one [an appraisal system] in place” and that you are looking to implement one.

    Are you the main driver for this at the moment, and is this being suggested for implementation simply because “it’s what you have in organisations?”

    My challenge is: why have a performance appraisal system in the first place?

    I’m not stating my own position here – I’m just challenging any assumptions with a view to you being very clear about what you are ultimately trying to achieve.

    Readers may wish to read this article by John Seddon on why (he thinks) performance appraisal in the traditional sense is just a waste of time and effort.


