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Any ideas on how to train employees on a No Smoking Policy


Does anyone have any tips or ideas of how to go about training employees on the implementation of a No Smoking Policy and how to make it interesting?
Caroline Sterry

5 Responses

  1. Some ideas……
    You could get the group divided into smokers and smokers and ask them a series of questions e.g. why do smokers smoke, what do you dislike about smoking, how do your feel about the ban, where should staff be allowed to smoke, what should the break policy be – the differences of the two groups is interesting to see and could create a lively discussion.

    Get the staff to deal with a visitor that insists on smoking and how they would deal with it assertively in order to set down some company procedures.

    Brainstorm ideas on ‘how to support staff giving up smoking’ and come up with some real ideas for the company to consider implementing.

    Hope these are useful.

    I have a questionnaire that we asked our staff to complete (on a voluntary basis) and I analysed to see what their views were. If you would like a copy email me on

  2. Smoking
    I can send you the outline of a course,our staff are attending ready for July 1st.It links smoking cessation with the management of the new laws.E mail me


  3. Is it a training or developmental issue?
    It is not clear to me what you want to cover in your ‘Smoking Policy’ training. What is it that you want your employees to do differently as a result of attending the course? Do they not already have the requisite skills and knowledge but just don’t know what the new Policy is? Is it just a case of disseminating the content of the new requirements?

    I’m asking this simply because in a number of areas development simply may not be necessary and I wonder if it might not be more appropriate for line management to step up and delivery the necessary briefing where required?

  4. Training for training’s sake?
    I agree with Garry, this is a policy issue, there is no upskilling or upgrading of knowledge – all thats required is to deliver the policy – line manager’s can do that.
    Dont train for the sake of training especially when its not the solution.

  5. No smoking
    Is there a company newsletter you could disseminate this information through? Or send an email to all staff telling them they’ll no longer be able to smoke in the office? Or their managers could tell them? Oh and put some No Smoking signs up too.