I have been invited to consult with a small firm to advise and assist them in developing some job descriptions & a performance management system. I have ample knowledge of JDs & PM in my own field, but I have no knowledge or experience of the beauty industry (except as a customer!). Can anyone offer me the benefit of their experience, provide me with some examples or point me towards some relevant resources? Thanks.
Jo Unwin

2 Responses
Manufacturing or delivery
Hi Jo,
having worked with both manufacturers and sellers of beauty products there is a huge difference …..
Manufacturing beauty products has JDs and PMs like any other manufacturing industry, selling and delivering however run from the highly specialised and highly exclusive right down to the almost no skill whatsoever…
Get in touch if it’s manufacturing or high end, both of which I’ve experience of working with, if it’s not then my advice would be to observe like crazy, get information on the content of qualifications held by the beauticians/sales people, and write the JDs and PMs based on modelling the high performers and working out what to avoid in the poor performers – classic stuff really.
Hello Jo
I’m currently coaching a client who owns a long standing hair & beauty business on both of the topics you are concerned with.
I’d be only too happy to discuss the process with you (although not of this particular case, of course).
The business has considerably to their bottom line recently.
I’m happy to be of any help I can.