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Appraisal Forms


Can anyone send me any appraisal forms or self appraisal forms?
Will be much appreciated.
Jason Parton

2 Responses

  1. Self Appraisal Form
    Have a look at In the free trainer resources section, under Management Skills, you will find a Performance Review proforma I designed for a computer manufacturer/retailer, to help appraisees prepare for their forthcoming appraisal. Hope you find it useful.
    Happy Days!
    Bryan Edwards

  2. appraisal form
    Dear Jason

    An approach I’ve found works well for self and others’ appraisal is to ask for behaviours to Stop, Start and Continue under perhaps 6-8 key skill areas or competencies for a role. I find this produces more rounded feedback than trying to put a single rating on an area.

    Good luck!


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