i am in the process of designing a 1 day course for managers on the appraisal process, covering interviewing skills, communication etc. i have a fenman book of activities on appraisal review skills, but i am struggling with the stuff to go around the exercises. would be really grateful for any guidance or pointers in right direction as this is the first course i have designed from scratch. thanks in advance. viv
Vivienne Holmes

4 Responses
Appraisal Process Design
If you would like to contact me by email, I’ll be glad to share experience of designing and running such a course.
Appraisal Process Design
Vivienne, I’ve completed and run this myself. Will be doing the same thing again before the end of the year. I’ll be happy to share my experience. Feel free to call me on 07957 472279
Appraisal Process DEsign
I know a trainer in Manchester who designed a national appraisal scheme
Her name is Mrs Jackie MOylan .Her phone number is
01617479270.Best time to catch her is THursday or FRiday.
Bill CHadwick
Appraisal skills
Have done this quite a few times with both public and private sector organisations, at all levels – both appraiser and appraisee. Each time I designed the training, and in most cases also worked with them on the design of the process and supported through to implementation. If you are still stuck for some ideas, I’d be more than happy to share some of mine with you – feel free to give me a call.
01942 743882
Andrea Newton
Achievement By Design