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Appraisal Training


I am delivering appraisal training on a regular basis and am finding the role play/case studies and exercises a bit boring!

If you have any ideas that would make the day more fun, then I would be very greatful


Ginny Haynes

3 Responses

  1. Ten Ways to Jazz Up Appraisal Training

    1. Humourous clips from ‘Continuous Performance Appraisal’ (Right Brain Video) or similar video.

    2. Get the group to critique the ‘David Brent’ approach to appraisal and one-to-one interviews, or similar film/TV clips.

    3. Get the training group to write or develop their own case studies/critical incidents.

    4. Develop ‘Hit or Myth’ or ‘What’s Your Appraisal IQ’ openers, review or self-assessment activities.

    5. Collect historical (or organizational) examples of errors in appraisal; e.g. Fred Astaire’s ‘Can’t sing. Can’t act. Can dance a little.’

    6. Ask the delegates to do some prework; e.g. gather ‘In the News’ topical articles on the subject.

    7. Create ‘Great Debate’ or ‘Press Conference’ activities relating to a controversial or topical aspect of performance management practice.

    8. Create ‘Jigsaw Learning’ activities where delegates get involved in helping others master what they’ve learned.

    9. Critique ‘The World’s Worst Appraisal’, with a ‘Trial by Jury’ to sentence the offender.

    10. Get input from group, staff members or climate surveys on what skills need to be developed or improved. (Regular evaluation of the appraisal system and milti-rater feedback will yield plenty of ‘nuggets.’)

    Hope you find some ideas you can use.


    Scott G. Welch

  2. Fun Exercise for Appraisal Training
    I devised and used a new exercise in my appraisal training last year. I rpinted cards with words which may (and shouldnt) be used during an appraisal (eg Inspiring, average, performing, disasterous, etc) and split the group into three. I then asked “who wants to be above average” then “Who wants to be average” and the ones you’re left with are the below average group. Then ask them to take the cards which apply to their category. There will always be a debate about some of the words, for example “adequate” – the average group won’t want it and the “below average” group will not think it applies to them either. It does generate a lot of debate and the purpose is to highlight that if your manager uses a word in your appraisal (or you as a manager do) then it should be clearly explained as people take different meanings from “labels”