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Are you a CIPD member?


Could the CIPD provide better services for its freelance members? on the CIPD member community site the following question was posed :
"Should self-employed members be getting more support from the CIPD?"

If you are a member and have a view please contribute to this important thread (on the CIPD site).

If you are not a member - you may wish to comment here as to why you are not - or what you get from your existing body; ITOL, BPS, IITT, BCS, TrainerBase etc...

Mike Morrison

12 Responses

  1. I let it go

    I was a member of the CIPD having previously been a member of the ITD and the IPM.
    I let my membership lapse as it became clear that the CIPD brought less and less value to me as an independent, self employed person.
    When I first started out the post nominal letters brought credibility but now they seem less necessary as I have a wealth of experience and checkable history.
    I was a member of ITOL for some time before I let the CIPD lapse and that did create value for me but now I find TrainingZone and Trainerbase, coupled with my own networks, to be more than satisfactory.

    (Anecdotal opinion of the CIPD as an institution; too big and impersonal, too much competition with independent members, too focussed on issues such as E&D, C&B and little interest in L&D, too orientated towards blue chips and public sector. Special interest groups for independents seem to be good though but these seem to get little support from the corporate body of the CIPD)

    Here endeth the bleat


  2. Not a member
    I was a member of the CIPD, (for 1 year only) and that was only because it was paid for by the company I was working for and it was required while I did the Certificate in Training Practice.
    I thought the year would give me time to assess if I thought continuing my membership was a good idea, and it was!
    To be very honest, working as an in-house trainer as part of a team, lead by a manager I got next to nothing out of the membership and when renewal time came I remember thinking it was very expensive, so the form went straight in the bin.
    When it came to job hunting again, I did consider joining as I wondered if it might make finding the right job easier. However, I didn’t find a single job that interested me that required membership. It was much more about previous job experience.
    Having said that, sometimes I do look longingly at the member only resources on their site and wonder if they would be of use to me – but I still don’t think it would justify the cost.

  3. Not a member?
    Thanks Lucy
    to keep the thread going..

    Or if you are not a member.. what member services would you like to see that may encourage you to join?

  4. Contrary
    I always find the affliate membership that they now offer rather bizarre. CIPD is a membership organisation that exists to support and encourage professional qualifications, yet affiliate membership seems to offer the same membership benefits as associateship to anyone without any qualifications.

    Given that many freelance trainers are associates (and dont want to be HR generalists ie. chartered) associateship doesnt seem to be a productive route for them.

    You asked what I’d like…I’d like to see this affiliateship questioned, is this financially driven?? CIPD is suppposed to be a members organisation not a non-members organisation. Any SME manager could join as an affiliate and effectively use the whole of the CIPD membership as his/her own HR advisor by posing questions on their virtual Q&A forums. That’s cheaper than hiring a staff member.
    Food for thought?

    I’d also like to see the ability to advertise one’s services to other members (for free obviously).

  5. Past experience

    There was a concerted effort to change the CIPD for trainers and self employed a couple of years ago. It didnt work then and many members became increasingly frustrated and voiciferous. It didnt work then, what’s changed???

  6. Things have moved on
    I think a lot has changed:
    * those ‘pushing’ for the change are not doing so in an adversarial way
    * it is not focused on trainers – buy any member that is a freelancer
    * times have changed and the % of members freelance is higher than ever
    * its focusing on the current and future needs of the members – not history

    In the past I am not sure that I agree with you that the approach to change was in a concerted way – it was a number of individuals that were operating as individuals. The branches were not involved and people with influence were not engaged. Last time it was ‘institution bashing’. Equally those ‘pushing for change last time had unrealistic speed expectations. Any established organisation has processes to follow – some of those from an ‘outside’ point of view do appear to take an extraordinary long time to meet and make decision.

    The changes and message this time is considerably different. The approach is about building the ‘institution’ and future proofing it.

    And yes I really do believe that change will result – providing that all contributers operate in this vein.


  7. CIPD interest in trainers
    It’s interesting to note that no one from the CIPD has been bothered to join the discussion!
    (and I am a member!)
    Alan Davies

  8. Staff are involved…
    Alan, not strictly true – 2 hours before your posting here a staff members did post a reply – and previously a board member of the CIPD has made a couple of comments.

  9. Same old same old

    I understand and agree with most of what you are saying however the things that you have identified as changing are external to the CIPD and not internal. Looking at the replies you have received on-line to date from CIPD I disagree that anything has changed – vague, nebulous assurances with no specifics, a sporadic approach to issues they will and wont tackle and the same complacent tone as previous.

    As for the previous approach 2 years ago, it was adversarial because of frustration created by the intransigence of an organisation that claimed it was listening. Nothing in the replies you have received indicates a significant change. I also read your personal frustration when raising a point of legislation with the CIPD.

    It seems whether you approach them nicely or robustly, genuflect or are more demanding, the result is the same – the IT guys say they are listening but nothing really changes.

    Two years on, nothing has changed concerning their policies and you seem to be inferring this was caused by the manner in which they were dealt with – not so – the CIPD said they were listening throughout but did nothing.

    Even Paul identifies that there isn’t even a process to get your concerns to the board despite reassurances from the IT guys.

    The CIPD kicked out detractors last time and most probably left anyway due to dissatisfaction.
    This current group may be more genteel in its approach but as you yourself have discovered this is an organisation that rarely listens even on legislative matters and is not beyond accusations of ‘bullying’.

    Caress them or cajole them this CIPD lady’s not for moving.

    Good luck to you. But don’t raise your hopes too much.

  10. Clarification
    Sorry but it is not same old..

    The ‘legal’ issues you mentioned were dealt with effectively by the CIPD and indeed I have received a personal letter outlining such.

    There is a difficult balance between what any organisation makes public and what happens behind a closed door – that is business and we need to accept that member organisation or no member organisation.

    The CIPD DID take action on my concerns, and apart from one or two ‘jobs worth’ (again they are in all organisations) did react – but for reasons of communication were initially slow – that was FULLY RESOLVED.

    I do believe the CIPD is listening more than ever and there is evidence that change is starting.

    We all need to change and adapt – both members and the CIPD – we all need to move a little!

    The things I identified as changing ARE internal to the CIPD –
    * those ‘pushing’ for the change are not doing so in an adversarial way – members in a collaborative way
    * it is not focused on trainers – buy any member that is a freelancer – change of message internally
    * times have changed and the % of members freelance is higher than ever – % membership is an internal issue
    * its focusing on the current and future needs of the members – not history – forward looking from inside the organisation.

    The members are the CIPD too!

    Your mention about the board is an interesting one – strategically the board is there to run the business end of the CIPD, ultimately there is a path to the board – it is just slower than some of us would expect. The are other more appropriate avenues to explore first.

    What the debate needs (and its is a debate not a demand) is more people to communicate on the CIPD forum in a constructive and supportive way.

    Too many people talk behind the backs of others and seem unable to share publicly their own views – this is a shame.