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Assessing Team Manager Potential


As part of a Team Manager program there is a form of assessment for each that he has put together so that the Senior Managers

can plot the current position of the individual which loosely measures their performance and potential to move up the ladder.

To me the tool he is using is a little too subjective for my liking and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a tool

that they know of that can be used for assessing Management Potential?

2 Responses

  1. How to measure management potential?

    Hi there, there are any number of psychometrics, personality profiles etc. out there which can give you indicators of potential to lead and manage people. From experience almost all of the managers I have worked with say that they were not much good at the beginning and that they developed whilst in the first role by making quite a lot of mistakes. That is certainly true for my own experience. So from this you could expect that most people you select to manage others will get there in the end with the right support. The best experience I have of identifying and developing new team managers was in a call centre where budding new team managers were selected and given the role of team coach. In addition to coaching they also had to manage the personal development planning process for all of the team. This limited experience of dealing with colleagues as a manager enabled folks to decide that if the management route was for them. 




  2. Potentia


    A process I have used is called ‘Potentia’. Trained assessors conducted semi-structured interviews and role plays to assess the thinking style and management style of the interviewee. The 3-hour 1to1 interview is very revealing and can help assess the potential of an individual and also provide development feedback.

    However, this is not a cheap option – companies charge £1k to £2k per person.

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