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Assessment Centre Exercises


I'm planning a series of assessment centres and am looking for asources of good exercises that allow candidates to demonstrate the following behaviours:
Communication skills
Negotiation Skills
Decision Making

The exercises should be group exercises where candidates are "disatracted" by the content in order for their natural behaviours to come to the fore.

Any assistance that readers of "Any Answers" can give would be greatly appreciated.
Frank McGoldrick

3 Responses

  1. SHL?
    Hi Frank,

    SHL have some well structured group exercises that would highlight those competencies well. I saw a great one recently involving planning some training where many of the candidates lost sight of their objectives due to the variety of variables they had to consider and became absorbed by content rather than focus. It worked well.

  2. Assessment Centre Exercises
    We have in the past used a couple of exercises. The important aspect for us was the checklist for the observers and an agreement as to what we were looking for. Ours are paper copies and if you want a copy then let me know.

  3. Assessment
    We have developed some case studies / exercises in these areas that have been working extremely well in both classroom and on-line training and have now met with positive feedback from a wide range of nationalities and corporate environments. Happy to discuss.