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Attitude Exercise


Does anyone know of a short (15 minute max) interactive exercise that I can use with a group of 20 managers that emphasises how a persons attitude and approach going into a situation will effect the outcome?
david cooper

3 Responses

  1. Attitude
    I have plenty of stories and case studies about how performance improvements were caused by a change of attitude, but no exercises.


  2. the tea-bag game
    How about this:

    Give everyone a tea bag and ask them to write down the number of uses they think they could think of. They just write down the number not the actual uses.

    Then divide everyone into 2/3’s, ask them to share their number and then write down as many uses of the tea bag as possible in a set time limit of 4 minutes.

    When you bring everyone together write on the flipchart the highest number written down by the group plus how many uses they actually thought of.

    What should happen is that those groups with the higher numbers written down will think of more uses. Illustrating the idea that those with higher expectations achieve more.

  3. How do you measure
    Attidude is a very difficult area as it’s not the attitude but often the behaviour that is seen and this is the area for development.Attitude is state of mind and the behaviour is the resulting outcome. Concentrate on exercises that look at behaviour and the effect and impact for self and others and a long term outcome for the business.Ask the group to identifiy behaviours, what causes these, effects Adairs Circles I/WE/IT and what they would like the new behaviour to be like and the methods for acheiving these. Include people in being part of the solutiom.