Andrew has been ‘helping people to learn’ since 1982 – he know experience is not a number, and does a lot to get the most value from those years.
He knows that everyone has unique, specific, dynamic and contextual needs, and that this means working with individuals with a desire to manage their own development is the best, (only?) way to get tangible and lasting return on time and cost invested in learning.
He walks his talk, a handwritten learning log of over 2200 entries and one and a half million words is evidence of his own commitment to professional development.
His learning log is one of many elements of his no cost other than time efforts to keep learning.
Andrew gets most satisfaction from the results seen from leading ‘Learning From Work’ events.
He uploads free material weekly for fellow practitioners on his Podcast and YouTube channels, and welcomes contact and collaboration on recorded ‘learning conversations’ focused on specific issues of interest and challenge.
Find out more at his website.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage