Expert help for your next presentation – when and where you need it.
Nearly all presentation skills trainers concentrate on how they believe you should look and sound. We are different. 25 years experience and over 5000 people trained has provided empirical evidence that concentrating on strategy and structure (what you say and when you say it) frees you up from ‘presentation stress’, allowing youto present much more naturally and confidently and most importantly – be yourself.
Preparing a verbal presentation requires a totally different strategy to producing a written report. The vast majority of presenters deliver a ‘verbal written report’, which is unnatural and stressful to present. It’s also difficult and (usually) boring for the audience to listen to. Our unique presentation template gives you a strategy for natural, confident, verbal delivery and provides a disciplined, consistent way to ensue that your presentation is relevant, interesting, persuasive and memorable.
Live, interactive, face-to-face online coaching sessions are broadcast every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, providing expert help just when you need it – whilst preparing for your next presentation.
We coach you through the whole process, step by step, from start to finish.
· Series of three live, interactive, face-to-face, one-hour online coaching sessions.
· Broadcast weekly to your PC tablet or smartphone.
· Attend over 1, 2 or 3 days, all in one week or spread over a number of weeks.
· Recordings available for 24 hours after live transmission.
· Comprehensive support material and presentation templates.
Exclusive online forum provides immediate and ongoing support.
Launching in May 2015 at www.presentationcoachlive.co.uk
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage