We are currently looking at designiing basic pc skills training ie Windows 98 User Intro and Excel and Word Intro. We would like to create our own manuals and in house training - does anyone possess any material to get us started? Many Thanks
Faye Stockley

5 Responses
Customisable Courseware
You might find it helpful to look at http://www.cctglobal.com – they offer a complete range of customisable courseware at beginner, intermediate and advanced level. You pay a one-off license fee, can add your own logo and can print as many manuals as you wish for use at up to 10 sites. The courseware is offered for Office 95, 97, 2000 and 2002 (XP), and the license includes free upgrades for 12 months. Alternatively, call them on 01242 227200.
Try this?
I wrote lots of material along these lines for BPP Publishing plc a few years ago.
See if you can find a copy of their current CAT Study Text for “Information Technology Processes” – about £16.95 (there may be a workbook too, for a similar price). Bit cheaper than cctglobal!
If you’d like some help or further information please e-mail me: I could probably send you samples.
I am not sure how much planning you have organised. Some of these items you may or may not already know.
You can find examples on the web. Most colleagues are happy to loan training manuals/outlines that they received from external companies, for you to compare and obtain ideas that suit your organisation:
Even though it is time consuming; we have created training courses and manuals from scratch. It is worthwhile in the long run: free from copyright restrictions and licensing fees:
· Survey a test group for ideas. Briefly survey a department for areas that wish that they knew more about in those areas.
· Create brief outlines for each course
· Determine length of training sessions
· Create a basic database for all of your delegates
· Advertise the courses early to build anticipation and excitement.
· Will you charge for course attendance and non-attendance?
· What are your training rules? What do you expect from the delegates?
· Create a Happy Sheet to be completed at the end of a course. Tally results in a spreadsheet.
· Advertise courses via email and group meetings.
· Target ‘difficult’ delegates who really struggle with IT. If you can get them to attend and enjoy their session then they will brag about the courses to everyone.
. Create certificates for the completion of a course
Training Manuals:
Create a template for all of your manuals to create a ‘training department image’.
Create your own logo so that it is reflected in all of your materials including fliers, memos etc.
Use as many images as possible to sustain interest.
A Sense of humour in the manuals works well.
Relate training to real scenarios at your workplace.
We test our training materials on willing participants and reward them with a credit in the manual or chocolate.
Snagit for capturing screen shots or use the (PRT SCRT) print screen button (or ALT + print screen button to capture a pop up message)
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Hope that they help.
PC skills training
If you want examples of web sites which have these materials please email me.
PC Training Stuff
I was recently charged with the same task and found http://www.trainingdownloads.com very useful. They have free downloadable starter packs which give you a great starting point.