Hello there, I am looking to build up a suite of behaviours that underpin some core management capabilities eg Communicating with Passion. Every time I go to do this I come up with more "What to do" rather than the "How to do it" – any hints or tips on how to do this?
Hello there, I am looking to build up a suite of behaviours that underpin some core management capabilities eg Communicating with Passion. Every time I go to do this I come up with more "What to do" rather than the "How to do it" - any hints or tips on how to do this?
3 Responses
at the risk of stating the obvious….
…you have to start with the "What" and then in each case, ask "How". It is also poentially useful to ask "How Not" as well….
So if ‘Communicate’ is the what
and "With Passion" is the how
then perhaps how not might include:
only with certain people,
with too many words,
at times when people have other priorities
in media that suit you rather than then
only in ‘transmit mode’, but never actually listening.
I hope that helps
Rus Slater
Management Behaviours
We have written a short training exercise called TOXIC MANAGERS and the detriments they cause in the workplace.We have then juxtaposed these profiles (5 extremist managers lol) against a Person Specification linked to Dignity at Work which captures both personal and technical skills.I am sure you will be able to reconcile/tweak its content with your work
trainingqed@aol.com is our e mail
QED Training qedworks.com
Behaviours that underpin management capabilities
Hi Heather, Trust all is well with you & yours? Interesting question, I agree that in the 1st case it’s necessary to idenbtify the whats, then to rersearch the hows by defining the characteristics required to deliver the whats effectively and then observing different practitioners actually doing the hows to build a profile of what is considered to be best practice. This approach has the additional benefit of enabling feedback from audience members to assess the practitioner’s approach to be collected and analised to support the profiling of the critcal characteristics.
Hope this helps.