I am undertaking some work with ateam to look at new different ways to build business plans as oposed to budgets only. Any ideas please send asap
Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer
I am undertaking some work with ateam to look at new different ways to build business plans as oposed to budgets only. Any ideas please send asap
Ken Palmer
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3 Responses
Try this for an outline
Hi Ken
I am an ex business banking manager and have spent the last 6 years researching different business plans and strategies.
I have developed my own model which most people find very logical and can be applied to any business. I believe you need to consider 6 areas. The first 4 look at where the business stands now.
1.The product or service being offered. Revenue streams, life cycle, differentiation.
2.The market place in which you compete. Competitors, demand conditions, target audience, customers.
3.The way the business operates, marketing, prcess, people, premises, equipment, admin.
4.These provide the financial results. Profits, working capital, capital expenditure.
5.Then you consider the future direction you want the business to take. PEST analysis, specific objectives for entering new products/markets (or exiting old ones), strategic route (organic growth, joint venture, merger, takeover, new premises peopl equipment) and risk scenarios.
6.Finally you review the management team and the business skills needed to meet the objectives set in 5. Personal skills, personal objectives.
Once this information is available the budgets can be built.
It is easier to explain over the phone and I can provide you with a more detailed example, so please feel free to call
01908 566243
email jeffpert@talk21.com
Balanced score card
There are some interesting ideas from Kaplan et al in the Harvard Business Review about building business strategy and priorities.There is also a web site you can access.Hope this helps
Open Space Technology!!
I used Open Space Technology with a group of 45 managers. They wrote an annual business plan in 2 days! They all contributed (never happened before)and it usually took a select few several weeks to write. They all understood and were commited to the plan and it helped build a more effective managemet team across 7 geographical sites! Any use?