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Call Handling Standards


We're currently delivering training to a number of Call Centres across the UK.
A number of clients have expressed an interest in the new standards for 'S/NVQ Call Handling at Level 3' but I haven't been able to get any information about these. Can anyone help?
Kathryn Armitage

3 Responses

  1. S/NVQ Standards
    We know the standards have been agreed but are currently not yet released. They are due out from all accrediting bodies in April. We have retained your details and will send you further info as they are received by us. You can also keep a look out for up dates on our web site on www.

    Standards will cover call handling and team leader in call centre environments and will be delivered by our organisation as well as a number of other providers in the UK.

    They are designed to up grade the delivery from the PIT quals presently offered. We hope this helps!

    Training By Design Global Ltd

  2. call centre standards
    There are a couple of NVQs that you may find useful & relevant to call handlers: Processing Information Technology and, I think the other is Customer Care – both are highly relevant to the service industry – specifically call centres. Good Luck