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Can anyone help with ideas for a workshop ?


Please can anyone help with ideas for a 90 minute workshop on developing self esteem / confidence building.
Needs to be a fun workshop for a diverse group of able bodied adults aged betweeen 20 - 60.
Thank you
shirley bernath

4 Responses

  1. confidence building
    One exercise is the ‘Circle of Confidence.’ Ask your delegates to remember a time when they felt really confident in a situation, get them to visualise it in detail, the sights the sounds, feelings etc. and when they are at the height of their feelings of confidence ask them to step into the (imaginary) circle of confidence. Repeat the process 2/3 times and then ask then, without the visualisation lead up, ask them to step into the ‘Circle of Confidence’ – a large number, although not all, will generally regain those associated feelings of confidence. With more practise of the visualisation and anchoring process they will be able to draw on those feelings quicker and stronger when they need to.

  2. confidence wksp
    Previous comment brilliant – about getting people to visualise successful situations.
    As a build, would suggest an opening question

    ” if I were more confident, I would be able to…..”

    Helps participants establish specific goals

    “What would that look like”?

    Picture of success

    “What would that feel like”?
    Gail’s whole visualisation/sensory stuff

    Then follow GROW model and get groups to work through

    I have my goal
    Whats the reality/current state
    What do I need to do – options
    What help/support – options
    Action plan

    In this kind of workshop, I would also suggest having a reference list of books for people to read. Growing confidence and self esteem is a long term process, important to manage expectations and signpost the way rather than expect to instill confidence in one shot.

    Further thoughts;
    Get people to identify strengths and skills. If the group comprises people who know each other, they can contribute in terms of “this is what you do to add value”

    Balanced perspectives. We often think we have done a bad job/are rubbish – a real balancer is the question “what evidence do you have to support that?”

    Happy to chat further – call me 07884070466

  3. Future Success

    An activity I use encompasses what has been said below about seeing hearing feeling and really noticing the detail of the situation.

    Using 1 – 10 scales I encourage people to define where they are now, it’s important that you stress this is their internal measure as we know people are different. Set out a line of index cards numnbered 1- 10 and invite people to stand on the number where they are now noticing what they feel, what they think, what they are saying to themselves both about themselves and others, what feedback they are getting and responses from others etc then to step up and move to the number they want to be and describe their feelings, sounds, thoughts etc now. This can be done in pairs with the other person helping in a coaching capacity without judgement or discussion but asking encouraging questions to help the person with the detail and imagination.

    Clearly these things are very NLP driven.

    I find a good place to start is ask people to write a list of 20 things they are good at. Leave the instruction that broad and open. You’ll be surprised at how difficult people find it because we are told not to blow our own trumpet, don’t boast etc! Ask people what was preventing them from doing that exercise and you’ll have plenty of information to work with from those individuals.

    These are great exercises to run and very powerful for people – have fun!


  4. Thanks !
    Thank you Gem, Debbie and Gail for your ideas they are very much appreciated.
    Shirley : )