I am reviewing the current course offer in my organisation, and have been asked to check what else is out there' in terms of organisational skills, stress management, and basic managing people training. I am looking for an external trainer to come into the (Central London) business, and need to know if you can recommend a course and how much it is!
Many thanks,
Nikki Brun

10 Responses
Course help
If you’d like to drop ,me a seperate line – i’m sure we could help you in terms of what your looking for. We’ve got direct experience in advising on and providing the courses you’re looking for.
Look forward to hearing from you
Try Trainingqed@aol.com
They offer some amazing deals. You can quote me to them.They did stress and staff care as well as customer care with diversity last September/October.We were very pleased. Dominic was the trainer
Try Phoenix
Hi Nikki,
I’d suggest that you try talking to Olly or Zoe at Phoenix Training which is based in Central London (The Leathermarket) and has its own training rooms which you can use to have your training run. Very wide variety of training courses covering all those areas that you mention: 0207 2340480. I’ve worked with them on a number of projects and they deliver excellent courses and are really friendly and helpful too.
All the very best,
Sourcing Training
Your could put details of your needs on TrainerBase (www.trainerbase.co.uk) and invite bids. I’m sure you will get a good response from a range of excellent providers.
If you wish, email me and I’ll be happy to point you in the direction of providers I’ve experience of.
Training Pages
You can also try training pages where suppliers advertise their programmes.
Hi Nikki
As part of our business is sourcing trainers for onsite courses I can recommend a number of people.
If you want me to then please drop me a line.
Kind regards
Some options
We have some options to offer in the areas you mentioned. Do get in touch by mail or on 01483 480656 if you want to discuss anything in more detail – or look at the website for this email or http://www.managingpressure.com
I can help with Stress Management Courses
Hi Nikki
I develop and organise courses on Stress Management which are extremely well received by both delegates and management, for clients including KPMG, CGI and others.
If you would like further details and a course outline, I would be delighted to give them to you and can be reached on annie@breathingspacetherapies.co.uk or 0772.581 8884.
Hope to be able to help and look forward to hearing from you.\Best wishes
Sourcing Training
Hi Nikki
FranklinCovey Europe (the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” people) have a range of excellent solutions addressing the areas you mention. I’d be happy to give you contact details of someone you could talk to. Check out their website on http://www.franklincoveyeurope.com.
Training Provider
I work for a world-wide organisation offering programmes in the topics you described. These courses have been very well recieved by many blue chip companies as well as small businesses (testimonials available). If you’re still interested please call me and I’d be happy to discuss your needs and an outline to the investment.
or 07947 217648
Best Wishes
Clive Mason