And the winner is . . .
This month’s winning caption: “When Adam called his secretary and said he was in a bit of a tight spot, no one expected this!”
Picture credit: Ashley Cooper/SpecialistStock/SplashdownDirect/Rex Features
Congratulations to Manueln who has won this month’s caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone – membership is entirely free.
And the winner is . . .
This month's winning caption: "When Adam called his secretary and said he was in a bit of a tight spot, no one expected this!"
Picture credit: Ashley Cooper/SpecialistStock/SplashdownDirect/Rex Features
Congratulations to Manueln who has won this month's caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone - membership is entirely free.
16 Responses
Caption Competition
Harry’s invention of snowshoes made from hedgehogs just wasn’t working
Caption Competition
Unfortunately, most of the £250 from "You’ve Been Framed!" went in funeral expenses
Caption Competition
NutraSweet? I thought it was Diet Coke!
Caption contest
This strategy is adopted after the ostrich one fails.
Caption competition
When Adam called his secretary and said he was in a bit of a tight spot, no one expected this!
caption competition
The boss got really stuck into the team building activity whilst the rest of us stuck into the free gluvine
Caption competition – Audrey
Brilliant! Still chuckling 🙂
The Scandinavian snow safety training went well.
However Freddie took the immersive learning and surrounding himself with content to far !!!
Caption Competition
James took ‘get stuck into it’ to a whole new level on his outward bound course!
Caption Competition
The trainer told the know-it-all delegate to chill out as he was crampon his style…
Caption Competition
Climber drops a pound coin and refuses to carry on until he finds it!
Caption Competition
Is that a mountain you’re stuck on?
No, It’s Snow-down-‘ere.
apres ski
following the party games reps’ apres ski fondue and Gluwein evening it took Donald some time to find his trousers
Cap Com
Eddie the Eagle makes a big comeback as a Human Cannonball
Caption Competition
Did Rex say that he was amidst flurry of activities or flurry activity?