This month’s winning caption: I said “Expendable”…
Picture credit: Geoffrey Robinson/Rex Features
Congratulations to duvetslug who has won this month’s caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone – membership is entirely free.
This month's winning caption: I said "Expendable"...
Picture credit: Geoffrey Robinson/Rex Features
Congratulations to duvetslug who has won this month's caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone - membership is entirely free.
9 Responses
Caption Competition
You sure this is a Harley Davidson?
I think you are stretching it a bit!!
Caption competition
My caption is:
"The London bid committee had failed to grasp the full health and safety implications of building the new olympic stadium"
Mick Roberts
07834 497396
Caption entry
"After building this motorbike, Mr and Mrs Joe Smythe report that their excursions are much more peaceful. They are designing a sidecar so they can bring their three Daschhunds along."
-Meredith Willems
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With Tim Brooke-Taylor andGraeme Garden recently appointed OBE’s, Bill Oddie is left to soldier on as the remaining Goodie
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Well, the rear brakes are perhaps a little too powerful
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The chassis of Boris Johnson’s new London double-decker bus is finally revealed
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Evel Kneivels mum finally found a way to stop him doing wheelies and jumping over buses!
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Sue’s idea of getting to the office earlier was still work in progress
Caption competition
I said "Expendable"…